skylights, windows
Our Solar Panel "Photovoltaic" Solar Glass Laminates can be used by Window and Skylight Manufacturers in many designs. They can directly replace the glazing presently used in your framing and will offer unique opportunities for powering small to large Lighting and Ventilation systems.
Contact us for more details on how easy it is to use our Solar Glass Laminates in your existing Window and Skylight Products
Below are a few of the projects where our Solar Laminates and Panels have been used.
02 Glass roof shading - Oberste Baubehorde in Munich, Germany
03 Solar station with light roof and facade - Aliguth in Starnberg, Germany
Light roof over dispensing pumps and facade of office
04 Complete roofs on two one-family houses-Kinderdorf in Zwickau, Germany
Hip roof with roof integration
05 Facade-Umweltministerium in Munich, Germany
Renovation of facade with 66 large-area laminates
06 Roof installations-Bad Aibling and Gaggenau, Germany
07 College for civil servants-Hof, Germany
Integrated roof with opaque and semi-transparent sections
08 Church-Friedersdorf, Germany
Standard modules integrated in church roof
09 Electric Power Plant-Minden/Ravensburg, Germany
Semitransparent insulating glass
10 Library building-Barcelona, Spain
Semitransparent insulating glass
11 Marquise for shading of administration building-Chemnik, Germany
12 Facade-Building in Pukbrunn, Germany
Cold-facade elements and semi-transparent insulating glass
13 Residential building with panelled balcony railings- in Pukbrunn, Germany
Pre-attached opaque panels as balcony railing
14 Roof installation-Friedberg-Statzling (Germany)
Roof integration in residential house with opaque panels
15 Roof instailation-Institute de Microtechnique in Neuchatel, Switzerland
Roof integration
16 Roof installation residential house - in Leinfelden-Echterdingen, Germany
Opaque panels and semi-transparent insulation glass panes
17 Building integraton, Karlshuld, Germany
Opaque standard panels
18 Roof of Institute Building - in Florianopolis, BR
First Brazilian grid-connected PV installation
19 Landesamt fur Umweltschutz in Augsburg, Germany
Semi-transparent in ceiling of connecting passage
20 Facade-University of Hong Kong
Opaque Standard panels
21 Facade-University of Trier in Birkenfeld, Germany
Semitransparent insulation glass in connecting passage
23 Test field-Central power station in Waltenhofen, Germany
24 Test field-Solar-Wasserstoff-Bayern in Neunburg vorm Wald, Germany
Framed arrays, 4 standard panels each glued on aluminium rims
25 Elektro Solar in Dresden, Germany
Standard panels
26 Dam covering-Telessio, Italy
Standard panels, 2,000 m above sea level
27 Test field-Kobern-Gondorf, Germany
Standard arrays
28 Testfield-in Pelworm, Germany
standard arrays
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